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New Meeting: Conversacion en Starry Nites Cafe

From: Elizabeth
Sent on: Thursday, February 21, 2008, 6:26 PM
Announcing a new meeting for The Rochester Spanish Language Meetup Group!

What: Conversacion en Starry Nites Cafe

When: Tuesday, March 4, 7:00 PM

Event fee: USD1.00 per person

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Who should come: Anyone who is interested in speaking spanish (no matter how rusty or fluent!)

Meeting Description: Hola a todos!

Vengan ustedes a la proxima meetup en Starry Nites. Vamos a conversar, comer o beber (si quieren), y por supuesto divertirnos.
...y si tengan fotos de sus viajes o sus amigos o ninos o animales domesticos o arte o cualquier cosa, traiganlas si les gusta.

Sitio/Location: Starry Nites Cafe - at 696 University Avenue.

Cuando/When: Tuesday (martes) March 4 from 7:00 pm to about 9:00 or so.

Descripci?n/Description: Starry Nites is a great cafe, with a selection of coffees, wines, beer, sandwiches, salads, pastries, etc. We have had some fantastic, relaxed evenings here with the group, and so let's do it again! I will reserve some tables for the group.

A ver...
Estacionamiento/Parking: There should be plenty of free street parking by the building. Hitching posts and unicycle racks are probably right around the corner as well...

Espero ver a todos, especialmente a los nuevos miembros del grupo. I look forward to seeing everyone again and meeting our new members..... espero que puedan asistir!! If you haven't been to an event yet, I promise you will enjoy yourself. Everyone who has attended has been very pleasant. (And even if you have RSVPd 'yes' before and didn't make it, no se preocupe... venga y puede ver si le gusta).


P.S. If you have not already attended one of the events, the $1 event fee is just to help cover my monthly fee to use the Meetup website for our group. See you later!

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