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Re: Reminder: Psychic Sensitivity Workshop

From: user 4.
Sent on: Saturday, September 29, 2007, 11:21 AM
I am very disappointed that this meet up group charges, I just want to share with others not profit from them. I am sorry but will not be attending.

Meetup Event Reminder <[address removed]> wrote:
Event Reminder
The Richmond Psychic Development Meetup Group
Your Meetup has an event tomorrow!
You RSVPed Maybe.
Saturday, September 29 at 10:00AM
Inner Peace
3201 Skipwith Rd
Richmond VA 23294

Organizer of The Richmond Psychic Development Meetup Group
Will you be attending?
Event Description
You are invited to attend the Psychic Sensitivity Workshop.
Please invite your friends!!
This is a three hour experiential workshop designed to assist you to tune in to your inner being and psychic ability. Feel the excitement, direction, expansion and hope that comes from being a shining light of 100% positive energy at all times. Meet other like-minded spiritual searchers in the Richmond community.
During the workshop you will:
* Find answers to the questions: Who am I? Why am I here? Where do I go when I pass on?
* Learn a special technique in which you can raise your energy/aura to be 100% positive and relaxed. This will buffer you from outside pressures, stress and negativity. It will enable you to sense your clear, positive, solution-oriented being.
* Experience your healing vibration through sending and receiving healing energy.
*Send and receive psychic messages. Develop your inner communication with your inner guidance (higher self). This technique helps you clarify situations where you may have picked up thoughts and feelings that were not your own. We are all super-sensitive!
* Realize that your happiness lies within you. Gain more confidence and self-understanding to further your path of spiritual growth.
*Meet with like-minded people interested in personal expansion and growth. Discover options for regular meetings and accelerate your spiritual development!
You are invited to visit :
Email for more information: [address removed]
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Questions? You can email customer service at: [address removed].
Meetup Customer Service, 632 Broadway, New York, NY 10012 USA

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