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Reminder: Richmond Psychic Development Meetup

From: user 4.
Sent on: Sunday, October 14, 2007, 4:30 PM
Hi everyone!

We had a wonderful first Psychic Development-Step 1 meetup in September. 11 people attended and by the end of the 2 hours I felt like I knew everyone personally. The highlight was definitely seeing the looks of amazement on people's faces when we did the Energy Elevator technique. This is actually a levitation technique. They didn't think it was possible until they saw it with their own eyes and experienced it!

If you missed the September meeting, you will have a chance to experience the Energy Elevator technique and more out our October Psychic Development-Step 1 meetup which is happening this coming Tuesday October 16th at the Hampton Inn-Midlothian, 800 Research Rd, Richmond, VA.

The time is from 7:30-9:00pm. Guests are more than welcome. $10 fee helps cover room costs.

The Step 1 meetup is the first in a series of weekly group meetings in which you will practice raising your psychic sensivity, healing abilities, self-discovery and awareness and much more.. A group is about to start in Richmond, and there is room for a few more people to join. If you have been looking for a way to connect and share with like-minded spiritual people and grow together- this is a wonderful opportunity to do that.

Come along on Tuesday night and find out more!

Please RSVP on the meetup site, so we know how many to expect.

Look forward to meeting up with you!
Melissa Kitto

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