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Regarding Stockholm Nightowls pt 7 - tomorrow at The Hub

From: Johan H.
Sent on: Monday, September 26, 2011, 4:12 PM

Dear friends,

Tomorrow it's finally time to meet again and we're so looking forward to it. This time we'll gather at The Hub who's been really kind to host a meetup at their fabulous venue on Riddargatan 7D.

We'll start at 19.00 as usual and we'll have presentations of everyone at 21.00 (nothing fancy, just a few words who you are and why you're there). Don't worry if you can't make it until later - the doors are open all evening.

Since there are still 12 people on the waiting-list we urge you that have RSVP Yes and now that you're not coming, to change your status since we don't want any empty seats.

As usual - coffee is free, eatable stuff you bring. :)

See you tomorrow!


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