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Originate wants to help startups in Sweden

From: Garrett D.
Sent on: Sunday, November 27, 2011, 8:15 PM

Hello friends!

We are happy to meet an active entrepreneur meetup, as we're active in many meetups in Silicon Valley.

Our employer, Originate, is a small yet unusual venture capital firm that loans high quality engineers, designers, and business people to help a startup get off the ground. 

Originate is excited to see further development in Sweden, and so we are working with Startup Sweden to throw a hackathon in Stockholm on December 2nd-4th. The competition will span 48 hours, and our company is offering a grand prize of[masked] SEK worth of investment in the form of loaned talent.  Three meals will be provided, hence the 150 SEK.

We have humbly come to your list seeking more competitors for this hackathon! We're looking for talented engineers who are interested in creating an idea, building a product, and recieving funding in one weekend.  You can learn more at or sign up at

If you have any questions about Originate or the event please contact Garrett ([address removed]).

Thank you!

Garrett and Katy

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