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From: Ed H.
Sent on: Monday, April 29, 2013, 2:33 AM

Joel and I spoke late today about the attendance at today's Meetup at Hokkaido.  This Meetup was a tremendous embarrassment to the Albany Sushi Meetup and an insult to our Host, Hokkaido.

As of Saturday, the day before the event, there were 20 solid members attending and 7 on the waiting list.  I got a text from one of our members begging me to put her PLUS 2 on the attending list, but since there was a limit of 20, I had to say I couldn't do that.

Then Sunday comes along and there was a rush to cancel or just fail to show.  A few of the attendees had reasonable excuses and one even offered to pay.  What we wound up with was 9 people in attendance where there were 20 already in and 7 trying to get in just one day earlier.  By the time I found out that we had vacancies most of the Waiting list people had already made other plans, or had just given up.

The result??  Hokkaido expected 20 members, or $760.00.  They planned for 20 members, or $760.00.  They brought in 4 sushi chefs so that they could provide one chef for 5 people.  They bought fresh fish for 20, which they expected to pay for with the expected $760.00.  But all they got was $342.00 and probably lost money because of us.

Joel and I talked about how to prevent this from happening again since this was a biggie.  For those who got on the active list from the waiting list at the last minute, you had no idea you were moved and will not be listed as no show.  It wasn't your fault that members changed RSVP's so late in the game.  However, in the future if you find yourselves on the Waiting list and change your plans or give up, PLEASE REMOVE YOUR NAMES FROM THE WAITING LIST, so we aren't counting on you to fill vacancies.   For those who gave a good reason, they will not be listed as no-show.   For anyone who just didn't show up they will be listed as a no-show and once there are 3 no shows members will be asked to leave the group.

But that does not solve the problem or the risk of insulting Hokkaido again next week, so we decided that next week's program will have to be pre-paid.  Think of it as if you are buying an airline ticket.  Non refundable, but in this case, assignable.  Members will have until Friday May 3, at 6:00 PM to call Hokkaido at (518)[masked] and give a credit card to save your seat.  Anyone not confirming by Friday will be removed from the active list and we will reach out to Waiting list people to fill the event.  After Friday and only if there are seats remaining you will have to call me on my cell (518)[masked] to try to get on the list, and we will call Hokkaido together to confirm your seat.  If you have confirmed and cannot attend it will be up to YOU to get a substitute, either from the waiting list or the general membership.  Otherwise you forfeit your payment and at least we can honor our obligations to the restaurant.  This is what makes them happy to give us the great deals that we have enjoyed over the past 6 years.

Once you have paid, please come back to the website and leave a message that says I PAID.  I will cross-check with Jing at Hokkaido to be sure everyone who paid is counted and their seats reserved.

People, this is making more work for your organizers and event hosts but without taking SOME measures to treat our restaurants with respect and accuracy we can see no other way.  The Jury is still out as to whether we will have to make ALL of our Meetups pre-paid.  I am hoping that we do not.

I will be sending a separate email to those on the active and waiting list of next week's Make your own sushi Meetup at Hokkaido.  I will be at the next one and, like you, I will be giving Jing my payment when I see her on Tuesday.  Thanks for your understanding.  Now let's work together to make this great Meetup group even better.




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