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20 Free OPEN Passes to API World

From: Julietta F.
Sent on: Wednesday, September 11, 2019, 9:16 AM

To register, go to:

API World is coming up! The API World team has offered our group 25 free OPEN Passes and discounted PRO Passes to API World so our members can attend the event.

API World (Oct 8-10, San Jose Convention Center) is the world’s largest API & microservices conference & expo with tracks covering APIs, Microservices, Containers, Kubernetes, and more. Speakers include technical leaders from Box, eBay, Marriott, Intuit, US Bank, AWS, IBM, Capital One Bank, GitHub, Comcast, Lending Club, Microsoft, and 120+ more.

Register by 11:59 PM on September 30 to get your free OPEN Pass or to SAVE $200 on your PRO Pass.

To register, go to:

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