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IOS Development Bootcamp April 1 - 3 - Day course

From: Tim M.
Sent on: Monday, March 17, 2014, 12:16 PM
Hey guys,

I know that some of you are just starting to dabble in IOS development. If you're interested, I'm leading a introductory course on iOS development early in April. 

It takes place in Scarborough (Kennedy and St Clair) at Witz Education, April 1 - 3 (9 - 4:30). The course assumes you know nothing and in three days takes you through your first app to using Sprite Kit and Core Data (time permitting). We cover off the basics, methods, classes, delegates, etc, as well getting published on the App Store. Everything you need to know to get up and running building or managing the building of apps.

You can see the course agenda here:

If you're interested you can get in touch with Jared Kligerman <[address removed]> or Paul Macri <[address removed]>
Tell them I sent you, that might help ;-)


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A. Timothy Mitra, BFA, ACTC, MTC
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Apple Consultant Network

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