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Re: RE: [dance-307] TRY IT - I BET YOU WILL LIKE IT!!!!!

From: DawnMarie S.
Sent on: Sunday, April 13, 2008, 11:22 PM
>Hi, Nancy!!
As far as I know, The Roundup has lessons - I am not sure of their schedule any more, but Friday nights used to be their beginner line dancing lessons. I do not know what other dances they have.

Also, The Dallas Bull - out on 301 - has lessons.  That changes every so many weeks - as to what dance they are teaching. My sister lives in Land O' Lakes and she goes to the Bull.  

Howie would be a good person to get in touch with regarding this question.

I would also go to - something like that.  I went to a website that I can't find again - haven't really tried in a long time - but they have a list of places for dancing/lessons, etc.  

The Beach Boppers have a dance - usually on Saturdays - at Wing Street out on Anderson Road.  

If I can get any other specifics, I'll let you know - this is just off the top of my head - as I just started looking at e-mail before retiring for the night.

Dawn Marie


From: Nancy Wavrock <[address removed]>
>Date: 2008/04/13 Sun PM 03:41:03 CDT
>To: [address removed]
>Subject: RE: [dance-307] TRY IT - I BET YOU WILL LIKE IT!!!!!

>I have a question, can anyone answer?
>Are there any dance lessons offered in North Tampa area? Withthe price of gas skyrocketing, it's difficult traveling so far to Largo,
>I live in Land O Lakes.
>From:[address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] OnBehalf Of Dawn Marie Swenden
>Sent: Saturday, April 12,[masked]:08 AM
>To: [address removed]
>Subject: [dance-307] TRY IT - I BET YOU WILL LIKE IT!!!!!
>I hope you can make this event. Please spread the word, whether you will bethere or not!!! FOR THE BEGINNERS -- YOU MAY WANT TO TRY THIS DANCE - IT IS ALOT OF FUN -- YOU MAY LIKE IT!!!!!! 
>Please do not be intimidated by watching West Coast Swing done by others. Theyall started at the beginner level also!!!
>Sunday, April 13, 2008 at 6:00 PM 2008 
>3665 East Bay Drive 
>Largo, FL 33771
>I have scheduled a meetup at Gunslinger's Saloon on April 13, 2008 @ 6:00 p.m.,for the beginner lesson. If this is too early for you, please come @ 6:30 p.m.for the more advanced lesson; or, at 7:30 p.m. for the dancing. There is othermusic played for other types of dancing, but it is primarily West Coast Swing,to which a variety of music can be played for this type of dance - blues, hiphop, techno, etc.
>The lesson from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. is $6.00 per person. If you come at 6:00p.m., just to see if you want to learn this dance, the first 30 minutes is free(6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.). 
>It is a lot of fun, it is easy for men to learn, a new type of dance to learn,and many people to meet!!!!! There is a lot of different music that West CoastSwing dancers can utilize for this dance. I hope to see ya'll there!!!! 
>I have heard comments about not being able to dance, it is too complicated,etc. I have 2 left feet and I learned the basic steps. This is a beginnerlesson which teaches just the basic steps. It is a lot of fun and somethingdifferent to try. If you can walk, you can do West Coast Swing! 
>Something different!
>Something fun!
>More people to meet!!!!
>If you have any questions, please contact me on my cell # -[masked]. 
>Dawn Marie
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>This message was sent by Dawn Marie Swenden ([address removed]) from The Greater Tampa Bay Dance Meetup Group.
>To learn more about Dawn Marie Swenden, visit his/her member profile
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>Meetup Support: [address removed] 
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>Please Note: If you hit "<strong>REPLY­</strong>", your message will be sent to everyone on this mailing list ([address removed])
>This message was sent by Nancy Wavrock ([address removed]) from The Greater Tampa Bay Dance Meetup Group.
>To learn more about Nancy Wavrock, visit his/her member profile
>To unsubscribe or to update your mailing list settings, click here
>	Meetup Support: [address removed] 
>	632 Broadway New York NY 10012 USA