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Ukulele Adventures

From: Elaine d.
Sent on: Monday, October 6, 2014, 10:28 PM
Hi there,

I am looking for ways to communicate with those ukulele players who are interested in knowing more about various ukulele events coming up (both domestic and, now, international). But, rather than continually bombard the entire group with messages about what's available, I'm asking those who are interested in learning more to please send me their email address via this link, which will be used by me and no one else:
This will put you on an email list that I will use to send out periodic announcements about new and upcoming events.
Alternatively, (or in addition) you can visit the various websites for events we already have on the books and "subscribe" or "follow," to receive periodic posts about these specific events:
·        La Semana deUke-Culinary Fiesta (Brand new for 2015: A week full of Ukulele & Culinary Workshops in Old Mexico!)
I'm also working on a couple of other international trips for this summer: another Yankee Invasion of the Ukulele Festival of Great Britain and a visit to the Czech Ukulele Festival in Prague followed by a retreat in Tuscany. (Right now you'll need to be on the general mailing list  (  to receive information about either of these trips.)
In the long run, I am hoping that this will streamline the process of getting the information out just to the people who want it. And I do apologise to those of you receiving this message who are not interested.  Ideally, this will solve that problem for you as well.  
If you have any questions, please let me know. And if you know of anyone else who might be interested in this information, please feel free to pass it along.  Hope to strum with you all soon!

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