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Free Tantra Practice for You!

From: Charu M.
Sent on: Wednesday, June 29, 2016, 1:59 PM

Hello Meetup Community!

Thank you so much for being a part of Embody Tantra events for all of these years! A large part of our community finds us here on meetup and it is a true blessing to be connected to those who are excited about doing this work.

Things are changing at Embody Tantra and that means we are taking a hiatus from local events after more than 10 years to re-focus our energy and discover what we will share next.

Since we won't be hosting any intro events any time soon, we would like to gift you with a 'Tantra Start-up Kit' that will introduce you to Tantra and give you a couple of practices to get started with right away.

All you need to do to get your kit is:

*Go to our website: and enter your email in the banner that says 'claim your start-up kit now' under my picture at the top of the page.

*If that doesn't work for any reason, try sending us your personal email in response to this email.

We are here for you if you have any questions and I am still seeing private clients as well as sharing through home-study courses that can be found on our website.

With love and gratitude,
