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Special Invite to QCon New York[masked]st Annual Software Development Conference

From: Zohar B.
Sent on: Tuesday, May 22, 2012, 9:36 AM


Description: QCon New York



Dear members of NYC HTML5 & JavaScript Hackfest –


QCon, the practitioner-driven conference designed for people who influence innovation in their teams: team leads, architects, project managers, engineering directors is holding their first QCon in New York the week of June 18 and is extending a special discount to our members.

  • QCon is a full 3-day conference that takes place from June 18 - 20 (Mon - Wed) at the Marriott Brooklyn Bridge.
  • There are two additional days of full & half day tutorials on Thursday, Jun 21 and Friday, June 22.
  • The conference features over 100 speakers in 6 concurrent tracks daily and covers the most timely and innovative topics that drive the evolution of enterprise software development today.

The NYC JavaScript & HTML5 members can receive a $100 discount off the current early-bird discount by using the following code:javascriptug when registering on the QCon website.

For a taste of the types of sessions at QCon, check out the following talks:

Functional Domain Models - Declarative, Compositional and You get Some Parallelism for Free 
Debasish Ghosh, Author of "DSLs In Action"

In this talk Debasish will discuss simple functional abstractions like Applicative Functors, Semigroups and Monoids that help you compose larger domain models out of smaller ones. The main focus will be to demonstrate how we abstract away accidental complexity out of client APIs by using algebraic techniques at the implementation layer. This leads to declarative API design that expresses the domain logic clearly and succinctly.

The Database as a Value 
Rich Hickey, Creator of Clojure

In this talk we will examine how Datomic renders the database into that most prized and easy-to-reason-about construct, a value, and makes it available to multiple processes in multiple languages, functional and not. Along the way, we'll discuss the importance of immutability and time in representing information, the reification of process, and the mechanisms of durable persistent data structures. No knowledge of functional programming is required.

QCon speakers are practioners who share real world solutions. Some of this year's 100 speakers include:

Bryan O'Sullivan, 
Author of "Real World Haskell"

Description: Randy Shoup
Sadek Drobi
CTO of Zenexity

Description: Khawaja Shams
Khawaja Shams
Manager, Data Services for Planning and Execution, NASA

Description: Mike Lee
Mike Lee
Produced Tap Tap Revenge, Obama '08, and Apple's Mobile Store

Description: Jim Webber
Jim Webber
Chief Scientist, Neo4J, Co-Author of "Rest in Practice"

Description: Justin Sheehy
Jarred Nicholls, 
Lead Engineer, the Sencha WebKit team

Description: Charlie Hunt
Charlie Hunt
JVM Performance Lead Engineer, Oracle

Description: Dean Wampler
Dean Wampler
Author "Programming Scala", "Functional Programming for Java Devs"

Description: Ari Zilka
Ari Zilka
Chief Products Office, Hortonworks

Taming Firefox Developer Tools
Joe Walker, Mozilla Developer Tools, Bespin, DWR

Developer Tools in Firefox are changing. There's a new debugger, new ways of inspecting pages, new command line and many experiments. Come and hear what's new and what's coming up for Firefox developer tools.

High Performance Mobile 
Steve Souders, Author of "High Performance Web Sites" & "Even Faster Web Sites", Google

Case studies from Google, Yahoo, Microsoft, Netflix, and others testify that making websites faster drives more traffic to your site, improves the user experience, increases revenue, and reduces operating costs. Best practices, tools, and web services abound for improving website performance on the desktop. But where are we when it comes to mobile performance? Join Steve Souders as he presents the latest developments for analyzing mobile performance and creating a faster mobile experience


We hope you can join us for the first QCon New York. Register before Jun 1st and save $400 when using the discount code "javascriptug".


What is QCon?

Our mission is to provide you, the developer and IT decision-making community, with high-integrity, vendor-neutral resources and education so you make the most of your technology investments. Our sessions are led by passionate practitioners, not vendors, who share their best practices and strategies for the enterprise software development community.


$400 OFF 
before Jun 1st, 2012 ONLY when using code "javascriptug"

Description: REGISTER NOW!

Group discounts are available!

The track themes for QCon New York are as follows:

Architectures You've Always Wondered About

Battle of the Clouds!

Big Data Paradigms

Building Strong Teams: The Origins of Success

Concurrency in the Large

Functional Programming Everywhere

Hardware Acceleration Today

Mobile Architectures

Programmable Web

Security: a developers view

Software Architecture Improvements

Taming HTML5 and JS

The Agile Individual

Java - Still Alive and Well


Registration is $1,895 for the 3 days conference, until Jun 1st, and increases afterwards.


Description: See location on map

See map

The conference will be held at theNew York Marriott at the Brooklyn Bridge.


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