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Remote file access and download via a script routine

From: Nick.....
Sent on: Friday, June 15, 2012, 4:12 PM
    Hi Fellow Hackers,
                  Looking for some guidance on configuring a project.

         There are three Servers involved: S1, S2 and S3
     The browser viewable user interface is in 9 pages on S1
     When they click their choice(s) they are taken to S2 (running
     Perl scripts on Ubuntu), asked to enter who they are and make a
     couple more choices and then the files they request, which will
     be located on S3 will be zipped together and made available to
     download. (don't ask - that's how the client really wants it.)

         What's the best way to do it or gather those files - I'm
     thinking to use wget ?

         Any suggestions (preferably not rude ones ;) accepted)..

                                                        Nick the Brit
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