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How I Made It Debuts Tonight!

From: Aaron K.
Sent on: Wednesday, October 10, 2018, 9:48 AM

Hello all!

Just a reminder IFP Phoenix's new event How I Made It is debuting tonight. If you're planning on going, keep in mind this is a ticketed event. It's $10 for the general public and $7 if you're an IFP Phoenix or a Phoenix Film Society paid member. You can get tickets at the link below. But this is going to be a cool new quarterly event where a filmmaker will break down their process for creating their film and then show you the final product. Up first, Sean Oliver's Danny Elfman challenge winning film, Natural Promotion. Sean was one of a select few whose film was chosen to screen at the LA Film Festival for Danny Elfman, Gus Van Sant, and Rob Minkoff. Should be a fun night!



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