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FW: BEAUTIFUL BOY Movie promotion

From: Tamara M.
Sent on: Monday, October 8, 2018, 10:36 AM

Hey Folks – the wonderful Alison Frost is giving us another free movie to go see. As always – PLEASE DO NOT REPLY TO THIS EMAIL – instead Make sure to RSVP as directed below.






I have a film I hope you would like to offer to your members.  It’s a very quick turnaround as we just received the information. It will be screening on Monday, October 15 at Harkins Camelview.  Arrival time would be 6:15 PM, film would start at 7 PM. I can give you 20 seats.  You can have people RSVP to [address removed].  Can you post?

 BEAUTIFUL BOY is a deeply moving portrait of a family’s unwavering love and commitment to each other in the face of their son’s addiction and his attempts at recovery. Based on two memoirs, one from acclaimed journalist David Sheff and one from his son, Nic Sheff. As Nic repeatedly relapses, the Sheffs are faced with the harsh reality that addiction is a disease that does not discriminate and can hit any family at any time. The film stars Academy Award® nominees Steve Carell (Foxcatcher, The Big Short) and Timothée Chalamet (Interstellar, Call Me by Your Name), Golden Globe® winner Maura Tierney (“The Affair,” Baby Mama), Academy Award nominee Amy Ryan (Birdman, Gone Baby Gone) and Academy Award® winner Timothy Hutton (Ordinary People).  Please enjoy the trailer.


At 18, Nicolas Sheff was a good student, editor of his high school newspaper, an actor in the school play and a member of the water polo team. A voracious reader and a talented artist, Nic was set to enter college in the fall. He had started experimenting with drugs when he was 12, but in his late teens he tried meth for the first time and, as he writes, “the world went from black and white to Technicolor.” Nic went almost instantly from a teenager dabbling with substances to a having a full-blown dependency.  

 BEAUTIFUL BOY is a searingly honest/frank account of the Sheff family’s journey through Nic’s continuing struggles with addiction. Based on acclaimed journalist David Sheff’s bestseller of the same name and his son Nic’s breakout memoir Tweak: Growing Up on Methamphetamines, the film presents a unique portrait of the ways addiction can destroy lives and the power of love to rebuild them. 

 Harrowing, heart-breaking and yet full of joy, hope, and love, BEAUTIFUL BOY recounts the rehabs, disappearances, broken promises and rage as Nic sinks deeper into the drug world, as well as David’s efforts to save his “beautiful boy” from the ravages of addiction.

Directed by Felix van Groeningen (Belgica, The Broken Circle Breakdown), the film stars Academy Award® nominees Steve Carell (Foxcatcher, The Big Short) and Timothée Chalamet (Interstellar, Call Me by Your Name), Golden Globe® winner Maura Tierney (“The Affair,” Baby Mama), Academy Award nominee Amy Ryan (Birdman, Gone Baby Gone) and Academy Award® winner Timothy Hutton (Ordinary People).

 Thanks for your consideration.










Alison Frost  |  Film + Entertainment  

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Fingerpaint  |  3131 E. Camelback Road Suite 300  |  Phoenix, AZ 85016

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