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Epic Drum & Dance Circle this Sat @ 7pm in NYC + Awesome Music Sharing!

From: Trinity
Sent on: Tuesday, August 5, 2014, 1:20 PM

Hello beautiful community!

The next One Love Drum & Dance Circle is this Saturday, August 9th at 7pm on 19th Street!

This is the last one of the summer. The next one won't be until October.

Invite your friends! The last one was phenomenal! This one will be ridiculously amazing! Register by Friday to get the adv rate.

I look forward to seeing, dancing and drumming with you there!

PS- I spend a lot of time researching and finding amazing music. I love sharing uncommon gems of music with people. At the bottom of this email I have shared a few amazing songs! Please email me any songs you love. I love discovering new music!

Smiles for miles,

The Dancing Path™ & Wula Drum™
are excited to present-

One Love Drum & Dance Circle
Saturday, August 9th

Drum, dance, celebrate& connect from your heart with a conscious, vibrant CommUNITY!

One Love provides a sacred place for people to connect, express themselves fully & celebrate life in a healthy, positive, and nurturing way. It will be a magical night full of Love, Fun and Connection. Everyone is welcome to drum and/or dance.

Location: New York Live Arts
219 W 19th Street 3rd Floor
(bet.7th& 8th Ave.)

7:00 - 7:15pm Registration
7:15 - 7:30pm Intro to Drum Technique
7:30 - 8:15pm Transformational Dance w/Trinity
8:15 - 9:15pm One Love Drum & Dance Circle guided by Michael Markus
7:30 - 9:15pm Chill-out music in the Nirvana Room
9:15 - 9:30pm Closing Circle

7:30-8:15pm - Transformational Dance w/Trinity
Trinity the founder of The Dancing Path will guide you
through a powerful, transformational and improvisational dance. This lightly facilitated dance will take us into higher states of unity, love, connection and playfulness.

Dancers will be inspired by passionate music and powerful, creative, lightly guided and improvisational dance rituals. These dance rituals will empower you to expand your creativity and release your inhibitions- supporting you to dance wild, free and playful like a child. They will clear your energy and bring an experience of more Freedom and Love to you, your body and your connection with others.

8:15-9:15 pm – Drum & Dance Circle led by Michael Markus
We continue the night with an ecstatic drum & dance circle. Michael Markus (WuluDrum), will lead the drum circle.

Feel free to play a djembe, dundun, conga, shakers, any instrument you can bring, or simply dance to the improvised sounds. Michael will help guide the circle, but this is a chance for everyone to express themselves.

One Love Drum& Dance Circle is where the drummers inspire people to dance and the dancers inspire the drummers to drum. Everyone is welcome to drum and/or dance, or just sit and listen.

7:30-9:15 pm Chill-out in the Nirvana Room
Simultaneously during the drum circle in the nirvana chill-out lounge relaxing tranquil music will be played for you to relax and recharge or have conversation with friends.

Advance Registration is recommended!
$20 advance
$25 day of

Pre-register by 11:30pm the night before the event
at the Meetup site below to get the adv. rate
or you can register at the door for the day of rate

Drum Rentals Available-
Drums are available for rent, in advance for $10.
We have a limited amount available to rent so please email Michael at [address removed] in order to reserve a drum.

Trinity leads this outrageously fun facilitated dance celebration with all of her heart, passion, power, and love. By the end, I always feel completely connected with myself and everyone in the room- a deep sense of community is created. It is a profound experience. Doug Larson

I feel like this is the best time I've had in a while! I came in not knowing what to expect. I left feeling empowered, light, open, centered and free. A lot of things surfaced for me in a wonderful way. I now feel closer to my heart. Thank you! Melissa D.

About Trinity-
Dance Facilitator and Founder of the Dancing Path™
Trinity is the creator of the Dancing Path™ a celebratory transformational events organization that offers playful, creative, community building events, workshops and trainings all over NYC. She is passionate about bringing people together to celebrate life, express themselves fully and connect in fun and nurturing ways. One of Trinity’s main passions is to facilitate transformational dance. Her love and uninhibited passion for dance is infectious. Trinity has facilitated transformational dances at the Omega Institute, Princeton University, Jiva Mukti and many other wonderful places. In 2001 she studied Reiki and a few years later became a Reiki master. Shortly after Trinity studied at Institute for Integrative Nutrition (IIN) and got certified as a Holistic Health & Nutritional Counselor. During her studies at IIN she discovered Thai Massage and pursued training with Lotus Palm and in Thailand. Trinity is a 200 hour certified Yoga Instructor and has been teaching yoga for 15 years. She has also studied and been trained in Circus Yoga™, Hawaiian Lomi Lomi Massage & Deeksha aka the Oneness Blessing. Her larger vision is to open a Transformational Dance, Creativity & Healing Community Center that will be a home away from home for people to come meet kindred spirits, celebrate, learn, grow, connect and nurture themselves, their creativity and each other!

About Michael Markus-
Teacher, Drum Circle Facilitator, and Co-Founder of Wula Drum, Inc. As a musician, educator, drum circle facilitator, and retreat director, Michael Markus has spent over 2 decades performing, teaching and producing events. Along with a BFA in percussion from Ithaca College, Michael has immersed himself in West African, Afro-Cuban, Brazilian, and American styles of drumming. He mentored with the most accomplished master indigenous artists from Guinea, West Africa to which he travels, almost yearly, for the last 20 years.

Michael is a visionary and charismatic teacher and leads drum circles and workshops throughout the United States, as well and internationally. He has released educational materials for the djembe, including a DVD for beginners, a ‘Play –along’ series of 11 CDs, a two volume DVD of master drummers from Guinea, a book to be released by Hal Leonard publications.

He has presented at versatile venues ranging from college music and dance departments, to ‘inner city’ community centers and everywhere in between. Recently he directed the drum circle “100 Tambours des Mandela” in which 150 drummers played in honor for Nelson Mandela in various locations in Mexico, in front of 8,000 people, including ambassadors to South Africa, The Congo, Algeria, and other African countries. He has regularly developed and conducted workshops for National and International Percussion Conventions, master classes at various Universities, public and private schools and accompanist to dance teachers and performances. He has also created commissioned pieces, composing and directing choreography for such groups as Ethos Percussion, which debuted his work at the Symphony Space in New York City, Forces of Nature Dance Theater, who performed at the Apollo, to name a few.

Michael is dedicated to the preservation and promotion of cultural arts and socioeconomic development in Guinea, West Africa where he has based the production end of his company, Wula Drum, where authentically elegant and professional sounding African drums are crafted.

Below are a few songs that I LOVE! All of them are available on Spotify.

Beautiful Dance Mix of Snatam Kaur’s song- Ong Namo
Mix by DJ Bryan Kearney.

“Crispy Bacon” by DJ Laurent Garnier. Love the name of this song
It’s a song to let your hair down to and just dance like a maniac.

Indecent Proposal- Main theme song by John Barry
One of my favorite instrumental pieces of music.

Let’s Grow this Community!
If you love these events and want to see more of them then I ask for your support in spreading the word. My vision is to have a center that can be the nurturing home to this community and these wonderful events! One way you can help grow this community is by inviting your friends to the events or inviting them to join the mailing list at- [address removed]

I appreciate and thank you for all your love & support!

with Love & Gratitude,

Warning- these events may cause serious side effects of releasing ridiculous amounts of serotonin causing you to have the best time ever! Possible long term side effects can be- smiling uncontrollably for days!

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