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New Meetup: Awaken and Activate Dormant DNA -FREE EVENT!!!

From: Sharada L.
Sent on: Friday, December 12, 2014, 10:32 AM

Announcing a new Meetup for The GATEWAY / a Portal for Growth & Wellness!

What: Awaken and Activate Dormant DNA -FREE EVENT!!!
When: Monday, December 15,[masked]:00 PM

Where: The GATEWAY / a Portal for Growth & Wellness
2507 S. Barrington Avenue
West Los Angeles, CA 90064

What if YOU could easily and effectively tap into YOUR Psychic Intuitive gifts, talents and abilities,have a direct connection to The Universal Source of unlimited information and energy, and use it toserve yourself and others in the highest and best way possible in every area of your life?Please join us to learn about:• The real and scientific evidence regarding dormant DNA and RNA and why it holds the keys toYOU living YOUR best life• How our bodies and minds are changing and what these dormant DNA strands actually do tosupport You, YOUR dreams and YOUR life's purpose• The Truth about Ascension - What it is and What it Really Means for You• Connecting telepathically with YOUR Animal Companions, as well as the consciousness in allof life, including plants and minerals• The dynamics of Manifestation and why this process is so critical to living the life you truly desireand were born to live• What your Sacred Contracts and your Akashic Records are and the role they play in your life'spurpose and mission• How you can find your true mission and purpose, which is hidden within your DNA, yourAkashic Records and your Sacred Contracts• How the relationships you share with your animal companions are connected to you, yourDNA, your Akashic Records and your Sacred Contracts, and how you can help them heal asyou heal tooYou’ll also:• Receive Sacred Energy Transmissions and Dormant DNA Activations for you and your AnimalCompanions• Clear the heavy, dense energy associated with separation from our connection to UniversalSource Energy and past emotional and physical traumas, dramas andturmoil• Reconnect with Universal Source and unlock the Codes of UnityConsciousness• Repair DNA distortions of separation/duality at the cellular level• Experience a powerful and potent Manifestation Meditation toConsciously Co-Create Your Reality• Participate in a Live Global Energy Healing Circle

Lori Spagna is a Best Selling Author, Speaker and Visionary who practices and teaches


Animal Communication, Intuition and Energy Healing and also provides Sacred Energy


Transmissions and Dormant DNA Activations for both humans and animals. Get a FREE


mp3 class to Learn Animal Communication and a FREE mp3 class to Develop Your


Intuitive Abilities plus a FREE Juicy Living ebook at



Check it out!

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