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New Meetup: Table with The Humane League at PAWS Mutt Strut

From: Lydia C.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 26, 2010, 9:42 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for The Philadelphia Animal Rights Meetup Group!

What: Table with The Humane League at PAWS Mutt Strut

When: Saturday, October 30,[masked]:00 AM

Where: FDR Park
1900 Pattison Avenue
Philadelphia, PA 19145

Help out at The Humane League Table at the PAWS Mutt Strut in South Philadelphia. Stop by for an hour or two to join us and help with this fun and easy form of outreach.

When: Saturday October 30, rain or shine.
Time: 10A - 3P (approx)
Where: FDR Park, 1900 Pattison Avenue, Philadelphia, PA.
(Across from the sports complex - plenty of free parking!)

To RSVP or more info: [address removed]

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