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Drumming tomorrow...

From: Ty
Sent on: Wednesday, November 3, 2010, 12:57 AM
Hi everyone. I know that an auto reminder about the Income Tax Drum Circle got sent out; however, I only have 1 RSVP. If someone else hasn't RSVPd by Wednesday at 4 PM, I will cancel the circle.

The Income Tax Drum Circle is at my house (address is on the website); if the weather is nice, we'll be in the back yard... if not, we'll be inside. There are some great Afrikaan and Persian rhythms that I thought we could try out, but otherwise, we'll just freestyle. Bring something to drink and hang out for awhile. Any new folks will get a breakdown of drumming tones/techniques.

If you're coming, please remember to RSVP here Income Tax Drum Circle