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New Meetup: Belly dance workshops with Tara & Shafeek in Kentish Town

From: Johara
Sent on: Friday, November 26, 2010, 10:38 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for London Belly Dance!

What: Belly dance workshops with Tara & Shafeek in Kentish Town

When: Sunday, December 5,[masked]:00 PM

Where: The Expressions Dance Studio
39-51 Highgate Road, Kentish Town,

Don't miss the chance to take workshops with master instructors Shafeek & Tara ...

Workshop 1: 2-4 pm with Shafeek Ibrahim - Stick & Saidi Workshop

Shafeek is a master of Egyptian dance, and the only Egyptian teacher of saidi stick in the UK. Don't miss this opportunity to study with a master and learn his amazing technique and chorography. Learn a stick dance to really impress your audience! You must bring a stick to the workshop. Open level.

Workshop 2: 4-6 pm with Tara - Modern Oriental

Tara will be teaching a fast, fun and energetic choreography to a lively piece of oriental music. A workshop to help you with both advanced technique and choreography. An excellent class for those who really want to be inspired and take their dancing further. Open level.
Level: Open

Workshops are ?20 individually or ?35 for both.

Please email [address removed] for booking details.

Expressions Dance Studios, Kentish Town London

Please mention London Belly Dance when booking with Tara or Shafeek!

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