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Get your DL HUGHLEY TICKETS Tonite during the showing of Soulmates

From: Patricia
Sent on: Friday, July 27, 2007, 10:36 AM
A few things about tonight:
1.) Get there early to get a good seat (will be shown on WideScreen)
2.) Buttons are still available for $1 (while they last)
3.) There will be an Urban Triangle donation Jar at the coffee house tonight.  It has been decided to collect donations of some sort at each event so please give generously.  Did you know there is an annual fee to keep the Urban Triangle Site up?  If you have any questions regarding where your donations will be going please do not hesitate to discuss with one of your Urban Triangle Organizers.

Message from DJ Kraze:
 to see.....
D.L. Hughley  at the Carolina Theater
Tickets go on sale on Monday, July 30th.  But Ideas! will have your ticket tonight During the showing of SOULMATES.  Make a purchase at Ideas and receive a raffle ticket.  Winner receives a pair of tickets to SEE

D.L. Hughley

October 13 at 8 p.m.  -  TICKETS ON SALE JULY 30 at 11 a.m.

Actor and comedian D.L. Hughley is one of the most popular stand-up acts on the road today. From the hit film Original Kings of Comedy to NBC���s Studio 60 on the Sunset Strip, his late-night Comedy Central show Weekends at the DL to his sitcom The Hughleys, he does it all.

Tickets A: $38  Members: $33  B: $36

Friday, July 27th at 7:30pm
Ideas! Coffee House
The Urban Triangle
brings you
Wide Screen at IDEAS!

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