What we’re about
(For the convenience of our members, we also post on this Meetup other upcoming events that may not be just for women.)
Join thousands of women around the world gathering in circles around the time of the new moon and the full moon.
Every month thousands of women in 100+ countries gather in Sister Circles to connect, grow, empower one another, and catalyze the transformation and progress of our world.
Imagine the power of women all over the world gathering in circles, sharing our hearts and unifying our intentions so that we can navigate our lives with greater clarity and power. And, with the guide of transformational themes and unifying meditations, we expand and uplift ourselves and our global community.
Inspired by the Global Sisterhood's call for women to organize Sister Circles, the Raleigh Sister Circle began on International Women’s Day, March 8, 2016 along with 650 women’s circles sprinkled around the globe. Since then over 15,000 women circles in over 100 countries have gathered on every new moon to plant seeds of intention around a unifying theme of transformation. These circles cultivate deep bonds of sacred sisterhood and elevate the ways we relate to feminine power, ourselves, and each other.
Raleigh Sister Circle
The Raleigh Sister Circle participates in the Global Sisterhood's monthly meetings and meditations on or about the New Moon. In 2022, we also added a monthly Full Moon circle.
Each New Moon Sister Circle includes:
· The Global Sisterhood’s Unifying Heart meditation – participated in by thousands of women around the world;
· A theme for discussion and sharing;
· An opportunity to reflect and set new intentions.
Full Moon Circles are an opportunity to release energy, beliefs, and ways of being that no longer serve us.
Our group celebrates diverse backgrounds, perspectives, and honors our interdependent existence. Together we transform and empower in a sacred space of mutual respect and clear focus.
What is a Sister Circle?
A Sister Circle is a virtual or in-person women-only space. It’s a safe and sacred place where we share our journeys, insights, and stories, and are all seen and heard for who we truly are. Each Sister Circle is a unique experience influenced by the facilitator, the women participating, the location, and cultural traditions.
When we come together in equality and acceptance, we allow magic to take place. When we are seen, heard, and held we can transform our insecurities, wounds, jealousies, competitive patterns, and claim our true radiance, unity, and power.
To host or participate in a sister circle nourishes the natural yearning for authentic connection and creates opportunities for deep friendships to be cultivated.
Magic happens when women gather in circles to share what’s really going on inside their hearts. When a woman is given an invitation to open up, dig deep, and share her truth with a group of women, she taps into a wellspring of wisdom inside herself. Her heart becomes lighter and fuller at the same time.
Within the heart of every sister is the power to transform and heal our world. So just imagine what happens when thousands of women’s circles gather with unified intentions around a transformational theme and the energy of the new moon…
Will you join us?
Everything you’ve been through has shaped you into the woman you are, and now you are ready to step into the next dimension of yourself… your love, your wisdom, your power, and your purpose.
Will you join us? If you do, know that your presence is appreciated and welcome here.

Upcoming events (4+)
See all- Grateful GatheringSouly Holistic, Raleigh, NC
(Feel free to bring your lunch. You are also welcome to leave early if you need to get back to work.)
Theme: Cultivating Appreciation
From Grateful Living Resources...Summary
“Being unappreciative might mean we are simply not paying attention,” says poet David Whyte. But where should we focus our attention? Gratefulness invites us to concentrate on what we already appreciate, what we wish to appreciate more, and the opportunity to appreciate things we never appreciated before — especially opportunities themselves.In the words of Kristi Nelson: What we celebrate with our attention will grow and thrive. Appreciation turns strangers into friends, food into a feast, creativity into art, and people into their best selves. When democracy is honored rather than taken for granted, more of us vote. Appreciation can turn our planet into a sacred home and our communities into extended family. These shifts in consciousness can deliver change to our world. The recognition and acknowledgment of worth can go a long way in uplifting and empowering our lives, our values, and the future we envision. When we are in touch with deep appreciation for something (or someone), it means we are open to experience its value. Gratitude + Valuing = Gratefulness.
Primary Readings
In the Nourishment of Appreciation (3:00): In this essay, Kristi Nelson suggests that “everything flourishes in the nourishment of our appreciation,” and that we unleash ourselves to care for that which we value most when we actively appreciate it. https://gratefulness.org/blog/in-the-nourishment-of-appreciation/
Authentic Appreciation (3:30): In this essay, Terry Pearce explores how appreciation is grounded in experience, not simply rhetoric. https://gratefulness.org/resource/authentic-appreciation/Video & Audio
Why We Need Appreciation (Not Just Recognition) at Work (16:42): In this video, leadership expert Mike Robbins explores the difference between recognition on the basis of merit and appreciation for someone’s inherent worth. The relevance of his insights extend beyond the workplace and into all realms of life. https://gratefulness.org/resource/why-we-need-appreciation-not-just-recognition-at-work/
What You Appreciate, Appreciates (1:10): In this brief audio clip, Lynne Twist invites us to consider the connection between sufficiency, appreciation, and abundance. https://gratefulness.org/resource/what-you-appreciate-appreciates/Poem
Obeying the Impulse by Rosemerry Wahtola Trommer https://gratefulness.org/resource/obeying-the-impulse/
Appreciating Others: A Guided Meditation: This practice from the Gratefulness Team explores the expansive potential of appreciation. https://gratefulness.org/resource/appreciating-others-a-guided-meditation/Questions for Reflection and Discussion
What have you nurtured with your loving attention?
Who or what might you appreciate more in your life?
What inhibits you from fully appreciating yourself or others?
What reminders and practices help you direct your attention toward that which you value?
What happens/changes when you acknowledge the inherent value of yourself and others?
How might appreciating yourself and others invite you to act differently in the world? What might it inspire?Learn more about the gifts of grateful living.
This event is free.
Facilitated by Karin Cross.
- Manifesting Love and ConnectionSouly Holistic, Raleigh, NC$35.00
Manifesting Love and Connection
A 4-Week Journey to Align with the Frequency of LoveJoin us for this empowering journey and discover how to become a magnet for love by tuning in to its frequency! Manifesting Love and Connection offers powerful insights and hands-on practices to help you shift your mindset, elevate your vibration, and magnetize love and connection into your life.
“Nothing changes until you change.” Joe Dispenza
Are you seeking greater love and connection in your life? If you were a vibrational, energetic match to what you desire, you would already be experiencing it in the here and now. If you desire more love and connection but are not experiencing it YET, it is because your focus is on something contrary to it, on the lack of it.
Do any of these thoughts and beliefs sound familiar?
I am lacking in love and connection because…- All the good ones are taken.
- All men are toxic. All women are _________.
- I have to _________ before I can attract the “right” one. Finding the “right” one requires that I _________ first.
- There is only one Mr./Ms. Right.
- I’m too_________ for someone to love me.
- If I find the “right” one, then _________ will surely happen.
- I don’t want a partner who _________.
- I’ve done some “bad” things in the past. I don’t deserve to find love.
- I am not lovable the way I am. People don’t like me.
- I can’t love myself. How can I expect someone else to?
- My current relationship cannot be healed.
- I must leave my partner if I am going to experience more love and connection.
These beliefs and more tune you to the lack of love and connection and create an energetic wall that prevents what you desire from flowing to you. What you desire already exists vibrationally, and you deserve to experience it now. You just need to shift your thoughts, beliefs, and energy to let it flow to you. YOU CAN DO THAT. YOU CAN CHANGE. I’ll show you the way.
Workshop Overview:
Manifesting Love & Connection is a transformative 4-week workshop designed for anyone seeking to attract deeper love and meaningful connections into their lives. Using the principles of the Law of Attraction and the art of tuning in to the frequency of love, participants will learn practical tools, mindset shifts, and energy-alignment techniques to open their hearts and manifest fulfilling relationships. Each 2-hour session will combine guided exercises, discussions, and actionable strategies to create lasting inner and outer change. Each class will include an energy alignment segment during which you will practice tuning in to the frequency of love and connection. Repetition of this segment alone on your own time will change your life in unexpected and positive ways.What’s Included:
- Weekly guided meditations tailored to each session’s focus.
- Interactive exercises, journaling prompts, and actionable tools.
- A supportive group environment to share insights and experiences.
- Access to workshop materials, including worksheets and affirmations.
What You'll Gain:
- A clear understanding of how to use the Law of Attraction to attract love and connection.
- Practical techniques for raising your vibration and aligning with the frequency of love.
- Greater self-confidence, self-awareness, and clarity in relationships.
- Tools to sustain the energy of love and attract fulfilling connections in all areas of life.
Who Should Attend: This workshop is for anyone ready to step into their power and create a life filled with love and connection, whether you're looking to attract a romantic partner, deepen existing relationships, or cultivate a stronger sense of self-love.
When & Where: In-Person, Four Class Series at Souly Holistic (5540 McNeely Drive, Suite 101) - Saturday’s, March 1st - March 22nd. 1pm – 3pm.
(I am open to offering this workshop online and at another time as well if enough other people register. If you are interested in another time, please reach out to me.)Cost: Manifesting Love and Connection is $140 for four classes. You may pay in full up front to guarantee your place or $35 per class.
Please RSVP by registering on Meetup or Facebook and sending your payment with a note of the event name and your email address to:
Venmo @Karin-Cross-3 to verify the last 4 digits of phone is 2475
Cash App $KarinCrossAlternatively, you may bring a check or cash to class, but please register so that we have enough materials for everyone.
This workshop is limited to ten people.
Register online at https://www.meetup.com/Law-of-Attraction-NorthEast-Raleigh, https://www.meetup.com/raleigh-sister-circle/, or https://www.facebook.com/AsaMatterofThought/events/
Contact Karin Cross at karincross@asamatterofthought.com or 919-397-2475 for questions.
(This event is posted in multiple locations.)