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From: Larry
Sent on: Wednesday, January 27, 2016, 5:37 PM

Hello 35UP Members!

I received this well thought out email from another group's Organizer.  After you read this, it will make sense and hopefully get you motivated to come out.

"If you have a New Years Resolution to make new connections, Meetup is the way to go. We tend to have a lot of lurkers in the group. Many just join a ton of meetup groups and actually never attend a meetup. Many don't attend due to fear of the unknown, anxiety, don't like showing up alone in a room full of new people.

We've all been there. The hardest part is getting in your car to go. I've had people tell me they sat in their cars for 10 minutes anxious to get out and walk into the meetup. But once they do, the realize it's not a big deal and everyone is there for the same reason - to make new friends. It's like anything else, if you don't take the first step, you might just miss out on the journey.

So if you haven't attend a meetup in the last month, 6 months, year or 10 years - make 2016 the year for you to resolve and get out to make new friends. In over 8 years, I have seen friendships, marriages and new jobs all stem from meetup. It's a great social tool - but only if you use it!"

Please take this to heart.  You joined Meetup for a great reason, To Meet People!

I look forward to seeing you out!



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