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TONIGHT at Wrongbar!

From: user 7.
Sent on: Friday, January 25, 2013, 3:34 PM

Hey everyone!

I'm really happy to see all of the replies to my previous email regarding a meet up. I'm glad people are interested in meeting up. Thanks for all of the ideas! Jeremy and I will be planning the first meet up and we'll email you all letting you know very soon. 

We actually have an event tonight at Wrongbar in Toronto. It's going to be an amazing one. We will be there and it would be cool if you could join us. Good place, great crowd, amazing DJs. Beat the cold and snow and come party with us!

Details are below. Please let me know if you'll be coming by! This isn't the first meet up. We are still planning it, but we figured we would send the invite for this event over to you in case any of you were looking for something fun to do tonight! Hope to see you there! :)


AUDIOFLY (Supernature - Get Physical | UK) w/Jamie Kidd, Jeff Button, Brian Johnson, Koki @ Wrongbar + BYC Label Launch

AudioFly @ Wrongbar along with Bohemian Yacht Club label launch party!! Come warm up with sounds from Jamie Kidd, Brian Johnson, Jeff Button and Koki

We have setup a $15 guestlist before 11:30pm here:
or just grab tickets here:

Facebook Event: