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we are here, to share and to grow together
This community is led by seosoned Java developers of adesso Turkey

adesso Turkey Java team exist since 2013 and delivers Java based projects globally since then. adesso acts as a project-house and so far we've worked on numerous enterprise level projects. Clients include but not limited to; one of the largest automobile producers of Europe, second largest European stock exchange, Daimler, Cosmos, Zurich Insurance, AvivaSA and Aksigorta.

Here we gathered to share our global delivery experience and deep Java know-how with the rest of the community in Turkey and abroad. 

What will be on our agenda? 
Regular tech talks on latest Java tech
programming tips, workshops
best practice presentations
discussion sessions
JUG Perks
Coding resources
access to a broad adesso Turkey Java library
jobs, mentorship

If you are into Java and its related technologies, you are welcome to join our community!

adesso Turkey Java Community
adesso Turkey Java ekibi global ve local enterprise projelerde edindiği bilgi birikimini bu topluluk üzerinden tüm Java geliştiriciler ile paylaşıyor. Her geçen gün büyüyen ekibimiz Java teknolojileri alanındaki derin bilgi birikimini düzenli atölyeler, son teknolojiler üzerine sunumlar, iyi uygulama aktarımları ile tüm Java’cıların erişimine açıyor.

Kanalımız tüm Java geliştiricilere açık. Takipte kalın.

adesso web site: [https://www.adesso.com.tr/en/index-3.jsp](https://www.adesso.com.tr/en/index-3.jsp)
adesso Youtube: [https://www.youtube.com/c/adessoTurkey](https://www.youtube.com/c/adessoTurkey)
adesso Medium: [https://medium.com/adessoturkey](https://medium.com/adessoturkey)