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Blood Bowl

From: Damian
Sent on: Tuesday, September 16, 2008, 5:05 PM

With the football season upon us and the urge to kill so strong (must take the medication) Blood Bowl seems the ideal solution.  Its Football meets Lord of the Rings in a no holds barred game of violence skill and did I mention violence.  Build your team and lead them to victory or to their funeral.   Does anyone want to start a league and play for the Blood Bowl???? Sceadeau has figures for all the teams so your choice is wide open.   You can choose the tough dwarves, the agile elves, the aggressive orcs, the cheating goblins, the next to useless hobbits, a team of the undead or select from the many other races.   If you are interested please let myself or Sceadeau know so we can start planning the league.









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