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New Meetup: Short Notice Meetup - Chapel Hill Dinner

From: Stephanie H.
Sent on: Sunday, December 5, 2010, 11:42 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Triangle Vegetarian & Vegan Meetup!

What: Short Notice Meetup - Chapel Hill Dinner

When: Wednesday, December 8,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Butternut Squash
University Square 133E W. Franklin Street
Chapel Hill, NC 27516

Yes, it's time for another short notice dinner meetup!! Anyone up for dinner in Chapel Hill on Wednesday? I am heading to a concert at Local 506 that night (you are welcome to join me - check out for ticket info and links - one of the bands is local fave Mount Moriah which features lead singer Heather - she is amazing and is also vegan!) and wanted to see if you guys wanted to have a CH dinner first.

Please do not RSVP Yes unless you plan to attend (of course I understand emergencies and other situations arise). Also, consider bringing your own container for leftovers. Let's be environmentally friendly!

Butternut Squash is at the back of the strip mall on Franklin Street with the green and white striped awning. It's in University Square - not University Mall. This is Chapel Hill's newest veg place at about a year old. Check out the menu at

~ Stephanie

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