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Francis Marion/Bull's Island Trip

From: janice k.
Sent on: Monday, November 30, 2009, 4:03 PM
Hi all

I am putting the details together for our camping trip to Francis Marion/Bull's Island trip. I have been in touch with coastal expeditions and they will give us a private kayak tour on Friday the 26th of the back waters of the swamp. I half to have 4 people willing to go before they can do the tour. The cost is $88.00 per person and is and all day tour. We will be on the water for about 6 hours with a lunch break. The cost includes the boat, life jackets, paddles, etc and a tour guide who is also a naturalist. Please let me know if you would be willing to do this. If we have more than 4 we may get a small discount. I do not have to set up anything until the 1st of February. If you do not want to kayak please feel free to come anyway there are several great hiking trails around.

I will be reserving tent sites at buck hall recreation site which is on the coastal water way. We can have two tents per site but there are tent pads do not know the size. They have water and bathroom not sure about showers yet.

3 nights $30.00 per tent 2 tents to site.
2 nights: $20.00 per tent 2 tents to site.
when you RSVP please put 3 nights or 2 nights, thank you.

Ferry ride is $30.00 per person but we do get a discount for every 5 people. we pay the ferry when we get on. The ferry leaves at 0900am and we need to be there by 0830am. It is about 30 minutes from the campsite. We need to be back at the dock to catch the ferry at 3:45 since the ferry leaves at 4.

There is also the option of camping free at a primitive camp grounds in Francis Marion National Forest. First come first serve.

I will be setting up a poll on which campsite you would like to use. I will go with the one who gets the most vote.

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