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Re: [ia-55] Job Shadowing

From: user 4.
Sent on: Thursday, January 3, 2008, 4:45 PM
how about coming to next IA meetup?

One thing is to see if the job is right for you.

the other is to see what will do to you.

:P (jk people)

email : [address removed]
ym+im : pixelnovae

----- Original Message ----
From: Lea Ann Hutter <[address removed]>
To: [address removed]
Sent: Thursday, January 3,[masked]:37:27 PM
Subject: Re: [ia-55] Job Shadowing

I completely agree with Christine's recommendation of the "User Experience Design for the Web" class at UCLA Extension. I took it this summer with Jeanine Harriman (formerly at Ave A Razorfish) and enjoyed it so much that I'm taking it again. Ann Supawanich is a great advocate of UX designers.

Lea Ann Hutter
[address removed]

On Jan 3,[masked]:11 PM, Christine < [address removed]> wrote:

Michael, and everyone in the LA area,


Shadowing is fine, but I highly recommend a short and very engaging class at UCLA Extension?"User Experience Design for the Web".  It will be taught by Ann Supawanich (VP of UX at Schematic and an excellent mentor for all things UX). There's no better way to understand IA and UX than to think about it in context of specific challenges and try it out. It's a Monday evening course and runs from January 7th to March 24th.


Course: x[masked]AF

Today's web designers must envision compelling sites that facilitate rich interactive experiences. This course demonstrates the latest tools, techniques, and technologies used by leading agencies to develop world-class user experiences for the web. Topics include conducting user research, developing user personas and scenarios, information architecture, system and user interface design, prototype creation, and usability testing and analysis. Students develop a number of projects suitable for their portfolio.


~ Christine Bauer


  Christine Bauer   |  User Experience Lead  |  direct[masked] |  mobile [masked] 7492 | fax [masked]  aarf_bug




From: [address removed] [mailto:[address removed]] On Behalf Of Michael
Sent: Wednesday, January 02,[masked]:46 PM
To: [address removed]
Subject: [ia-55] Job Shadowing


Is there anyone willing to let me do some job shadowing so I can get an idea of what IA's do and if it it right for me? I live in the south bay area of Los Angeles.

Michael S
[address removed]

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