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Next Tuesday!

From: James M.
Sent on: Wednesday, May 31, 2017, 10:02 AM

Hi all,

Just wanted to remind everyone that our next event is on the 6th of June, that's next Tuesday. I am not sure if the invite had all the details on the talk but can find them below.

We'd love to see you there, so please sign up. There's no clash with the election as that's on 8th. So join us for a bit of respite from the election and some actual answers to the big questions.


Designing services that close the gap between expectations and perceptions. Aimée Windsor Brown - UX Consultant, Bunnyfoot

Customers usually have expectations about a service before they’ve ever used it. In this talk Aimée explores how to design joined up services based on an understanding of customer expectations and how they actually change customers' perceptions of their experiences.

Lightening talk:

There will also be a lightening talk from Ben Prudden on Ami - designing for social change

Ami is a non-profit with a mission to reduce loneliness and social isolation. Our first step towards this is an online service that makes it easy to find people in your local community who need a little help and support. I’ll cover some of the design decisions involved in creating an experience that tries to encourage social change, some of the challenges and our early results.

Thanks and look forward to seeing you,


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