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Less books, more UX... introducing UX Wales

From: Martyn K.
Sent on: Tuesday, March 8, 2016, 2:00 PM

Hello, Bore da, Salut, Hei, 안녕하세요 and everything inbetween (we've got members from everywhere, so thought we'd try and cover a few!)

Just a heads up; you're a member of UX Bookclub Cardiff on (which is why you're seeing this message)

UX Wales is the new name for UX Bookclub Cardiff

After a long time of being in standby mode, we've woken up UX Bookclub Cardiff - so hello! Cardiff / Wales hasn't enjoyed an independent UX meetup since the last UX Bookclub Cardiff meet way-back-when. NUX, SWUX and others are all super ace, and we'd love to have similar in Wales - which is why we're writing. We've renamed the meetup to 'UX Wales', and put a stake in the ground for our first meetup this summer.

How is UX Wales different to UX Bookclub Cardiff?

Instead of basing our meetups around just UX books, we're going to be basing them around UX and you guys. A loose format of meeting somewhere, saying hi, catching up with people in your industry and learning/sharing. We'll have a couple of talks (but we're going to stay away from guru culture or infomercial stuff) and take it from there. Occasionally, we'll put on a bigger event.

Announcing the first UX Wales meetup

First meetup is going to be Wed 11th May. Location to be confirmed, but it's likely to be Swansea or Cardiff. You can RSVP here - we'd really love to see you there to show support for our new group, meet some people, listen to some talks and enjoy some drinks.

RSVP for UX Wales 1 now

How you can help

Let's get our UX meetup walking upright! Here's how you can help -

  1. Put 11th May in your diary and RSVP to the meetup
  2. Follow us on Twitter, then retweet our first meet-up announcement.
  3. If you want to get involved with organising UX Wales, drop us a line on Twitter, or email [address removed]
  4. Let us know what you'd like to see from your UX meetup

What about <my town>?

We'd love to see chapters of UX Wales pop up, so everything we do for Cardiff (and Swansea), in terms of resources and format, we'll be 'open sourcing' for anyone else to start their own, and spending some time helping people out. We're also committed to spreading events around, providing people can make it. We'd love to hear from you if you're in mid or North Wales and interested, so shout us on Twitter at @uxwales.

Not interested?

That's partly what this update is about - an opportunity to leave the group now it has changed shape a bit. You may no longer be interested in UX. You may be busy raising ponies in Croatia. We'll be sorry to see you go, regardless - but this is a heads up. Thank you!


Sign off & Hello

Hey. I'm not a fan of faceless comms from groups, so a quick footer hello; I'm Martyn, and I've been busy trying to set up UX Wales. I talked to a lot of UX people in Cardiff, Swansea and a few places inbetween, and we thought a good approach would be to start here. I'd love to hear your feedback and ideas, and if you've any time to help out, too. See you in May!







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