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New Meetup: Raw food dinner in Oberlin

From: Don M
Sent on: Friday, February 20, 2009, 11:56 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Vegetarian Meetup Group!

What: Raw food dinner in Oberlin

When: February 21,[masked]:00 PM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: I know it's short notice, but I only just got this email, so here it is. It's a full course raw meal at what I believe used to be called the Oberlin Food Co-op but is now called New Day Fresh Start.

IMPORTANT: you will need to contact the venue directly and reserve your spot. There may not be many seats left, so don't hesitate if you want to enjoy this dinner. The phone is [masked].

The menu is:
Almond Curry Soup,
Land and Sea Salad
Save the Salmon Patties with Hollandaise Sauce
Nori Rolls
Pear Tart with cocao Coconut Sauce

the cost is $20 US $15 with a student ID

That's that! C U there and after, some of us will be heading to Great lakes Brewery Click here for brewery web site The George Washington Wood Tooth porter is now on tap. It is made from The fater of our country's original recipe and if it's like last year's offering, will be exceptional. It's as close as we can get to having a beer with George Washington while sitting around discussing early American politics and beer. The brewery visit will be very informal and will begin at 9 pm. Not a bad city in the greater Cleveland Metroplex, eh?

Again, it is NOT important to RSVP on this site what's important is that you call the place in Oberlin and reserve yourself a spot.

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