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New Workshop: Transition from Beginner to Intermediate Salsa Dancer Workshop

From: George
Sent on: Saturday, March 13, 2010, 3:22 PM
Announcing a new Workshop for Portland Salsa Meetup!

What: Transition from Beginner to Intermediate Salsa Dancer Workshop

When: Saturday, March 20,[masked]:00 PM

Lenora's Ballroom Studio
615 SE Alder St Entrance on SE 6th. Upstairs on the 3rd Floor
Portland, OR 97214

This is the workshop many of you have been asking for!

Join us for our "Transition from Beginner to Intermediate Salseros"
Saturday March 20th
@ Lenora's Ballroom Studio
615 SE Alder St. (Corner of SE 6th & SE Alder)
(Entrance is on SE 6th St. Upstairs on the 3rd floor)

This workshop will focus on the key leading and following techniques that will help you get over that hump that we sometimes experience when trying to get past a few months of Salsa lessons.

Leads, learn how to communicate with your follow effectively. In addition you will learn key leading techniques to allow you to transition between moves easily and how to turn your follow to the best of your abilities. Plus you will learn turning and spinning techniques to allow you to make patterns more interesting.

Follows, learn how to listen to your leads effectively so that you are not anticipating what comes next. Learn key techniques in spinning and following so that you are always prepared for whatever your lead has in mind.

This is a MUST for everyone wanting to get over that hump of Salsa dancing. Feel comfortable transitioning from a Beginner Salsa Dancer to an Intermediate one.

$15 pre-registered
$20 at the door

You can pre-register by rsvp'ing on this Meetup event or by sending and email to [address removed].

Wear comfortable clothing and bring a bottle of water.

Learn more here: