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New Workshop This Saturday: Learn to dance MERENGUE & BACHATA

From: George
Sent on: Wednesday, March 10, 2010, 12:12 PM
Announcing a new Workshop for Portland Salsa Meetup!

What: Learn to dance MERENGUE & BACHATA

When: Saturday, March 13,[masked]:00 PM

Lenora's Ballroom
615 SE Alder St Entrance on SE 6th. Upstairs on the 3rd Floor
Portland, OR 97214

Its time to MOVE IT MOVE IT!

We are happy to see so many new faces since the new year and we want to offer you the opportunity to learn to dance the hip happy dances known as Merengue & Bachata on Saturday, March 13th from 5pm-7pm @ Lenora's Ballroom Studio.

These workshops have been structured to provide you with the tools necessary to make you feel comfortable on the dance floor. NO PARTNER NEEDED.

Now is the time to learn to Merengue & Bachata so that you can dance the night away at one of our next outings or when you venture out on your own.

Workshops taught by George Caceres (Meetup Organizer and Director of Sabor Latino)

Saturday, March 13th - Merengue & Bachata Workshop
Merengue (5pm-6pm)
In this class you will learn all the fundamentals of the very fun Merengue dance including, rhythm & timing, leading and following technique while learning the basic Merengue movement & step, basic turns and 3-4 beginner partnering combinations.

BACHATA (6pm-7pm)
Come learn the seductive dance from the Dominican Republic - BACHATA! In this class you will learn all the fundamentals of the very sexy BACHATA dance including, rhythm & timing, leading and following technique while learning the basic BACHATA hip movement & steps, basic turns and 3-4 beginner partnering combinations. At the end of the class you will have learned enough material to make you feel like going dancing that same night.

PRICE: $15 Pre-Registered for both workshops
$20 day of workshop if not pre-registered

You can Pre-Register by RSVPing via this Meetup event or by sending an email to [address removed].

Bring comfortable clothing and a bottle of water.

Learn more here:

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