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New Meetup: Lafayette Reservoir Walk (rain or shine)

From: Mike
Sent on: Friday, November 19, 2010, 9:28 AM
The Lake Chabot walk has been cancelled due to bad weather. I put this on the schedule for those of you who want to walk, regardless of the weather. Meet in the usual spot by the parking lot attendant. I may be there, but I doubt it. I'm still not feeling all that great.

Announcing a new Meetup for East Bay Walkers!

What: Lafayette Reservoir Walk (rain or shine)

When: Saturday, November 20,[masked]:30 AM

Where: Lafayette Reservoir
3849 Mt Diablo
Lafayette, CA 94549

It didn't look very promising for a walk at Lake Chabot, so I decided to cancel it. I'll put it back on the schedule later.

In the meantime, a few of you wanted to walk at Lafayette Reservoir rain or shine, so here it is.

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