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Re: [trafficking-19] Thursday Meeting and Volunteer Opportunity

From: ABM Mobasher H.
Sent on: Thursday, May 17, 2007, 4:34 AM
Dear Elizabeth and Becky
Thanks for your mail. Would it be possible to send me the meeting minutes as I am living too far and not been able to participate in the meeting.
-------Original Message-------
From: Becky
Date: 05/17/07 11:19:49
Subject: [trafficking-19] Thursday Meeting and Volunteer Opportunity

A special announcement from Becky, Organizer of DC Fight Trafficking & Modern Slavery Group

Hey everyone,

Just a reminder that the May Meeting is TONIGHT, Thursday from 7-9pm at the Polaris Project office at 1822 Biltmore St, NW.

To be discussed:

  • HAPPY HOUR benefit at Madams Organ, May 31st - start spreading the word!
  • Review ACT toolkit and new website
  • Recap from Free the Slaves Reception
  • Pick a date for "Free to Play" soccer match and eastern market table
  • Watch Invisible Children, a documentary about child soldiers in Uganda

Guest Speaker: Kristin Fleshner, who served Ugandan community where Invisible Children was filmed, and now works for the National Coalition of Women's Organizations

And check out this great Volunteer Opportunity: Charity Network Inc's Fundraiser

We're nearly at the finish line for our "Art of Freedom" event, whose proceeds will go towards building a shelter for DC's child trafficking victims, and there are only few elements needed to polish the evening. One of them is volunteers! This is a great opportunity for young professionals who would like to attend the event, enjoy the Grammy Award-winning music, see the world-class artwork, and watch the live auction with the professional auctioneer...but who cannot afford to purchase tickets.

Volunteers will help with various aspects of the night. Tasks will include set-up, supporting the auctions, helping with check-in and check-out, working at the coat check, seating guests and directing them through the schedule, etc. You will be required to attending an information/training session in the early afternoon of May 19, so the total duration of the commitment is 8 hours from 4:00pm-12:00am, with scheduled breaks. Volunteers should contact me at [address removed].

Also, please follow up with anyone that you think might want to attend as a normal guest, of course, and have them contact Luda Huntsman ([address removed],[masked])! This last push is crucial!

See you tonight,

Elizabeth and Becky

This message was sent by Becky (member profile: from DC Fight Trafficking & Modern Slavery Group.

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