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New Meetup: New Years Eve at McFadden's and Westgate City Center

From: Lisa
Sent on: Thursday, December 24, 2009, 1:00 AM
Announcing a new Meetup for West Valley Activities Group!

What: New Years Eve at McFadden's and Westgate City Center

When: December 31,[masked]:45 PM

9425 W. Coyotes Blvd.,
Glendale, AZ 85303

Let's celebrate New Year's Eve on the Westside at McFadden's Restaurant and Saloon. Westgate Rocks 2010 New Year's Eve Party will be happening just outside the door, featuring Metalhead and Rock Lobster! Both of these bands are great 80s cover bands and I am sure they will rock us well into 2010!

(Westgate Rocks opens at 7:00 pm; McFadden's opens at 9:00 pm.)

The cost is $50 and includes a dinner buffet from 9:00p-11:00p, $1 drinks all night long, champagne toast at midnight, balloon drop, complimentary champagne all night, and gift bags. For an additional $10, we will get entrance to the Westgate Rocks event as well. DO NOT BUY ANY OF THESE TICKETS ONLINE, WE WILL PURCHASE THEM FROM ROXANNE AT MCFADDEN'S ON NEW YEAR'S EVE!

Here are the specific details:

6:45 pm - Meet at my house (10309 W Georgia Ave, 103rd Ave/Camelback); we will then carpool to Westgate

7:00 pm - Meet in front of McFadden's (it will be closed at that time, but we will meet Roxanne, the Promotions Manager, and she will give us wristbands for the outdoor party). Let the Westgate party begin...

9:00 pm - Meet back in front of McFaddens and pay Roxanne for the outdoor party ($10) and entrance to McFaddens's ($50).

We will have reserved tables so please RSVP and let me know if you can make it so we have enough chairs for everyone! I have to hold the tables with my credit card, so I have to make sure people who RSVP will show up; that is why I cannot do Maybes for this event. We will be allowed to go back and forth between the two events, as long as a few people stay with the tables at all times; we can alternate and it should be a lot of fun!

Let's get dressed up for this event; and since we will have a table at McFadden's, feel free to bring a jacket or sweater to keep you warm while we are outside.

For more information, check out McFadden's website at or (keyword "New Years).

NOTE: New Year's Eve is a crazy night out on the roads; please take advantage of the carpool from my house or take a cab home. We want you alive and well for 2010!

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