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New Meetup: 5th Annual TWE Christmas Holiday Festivus Party

From: Del J.
Sent on: Monday, November 29, 2010, 12:26 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Triangle Wine Enthusiasts - TWE!

What: 5th Annual TWE Christmas Holiday Festivus Party

When: Saturday, December 4,[masked]:00 PM

Price: $10.00 per person

Where: Cellar 101
101 South Main Street Historic Downtown Fuquay
Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526

Santa Claus is again coming to TWE !

Cellar 101 has graciously opened up their rather spacious and cool wine shop for our party. We will celebrate the Christmas Holiday Festivus Season with a wine tasting and some holiday food. I can not believe the holiday season is already here and we look forward to seeing you there. Stay thirsty my friends.

Wine, an important note: The selection of wines for the tasting will be a slightly different format for this event. Instead of bringing a bottle, you will buy one from Cellar 101. You pay $10 and choose your selection from a collection of 60 different wines with an average price of $10. Its a win-win for everyone. We get an awesome place for a party and we support a great local business. Plus, you know how I am about patronizing wine shops instead of the big chain grocery store.

What you need to bring per each person attending:
* $10 and do not bring a bottle of wine.
* An appetizer, side dish, or dessert, enough for several people, e.g. a tub of Food Lion potato salad or a bag or chips does not meet this criteria. Think heavy hors d'oeuvres, finger food, or the like. Also think something Festivus, that would be cool.
* Your beautiful smiling face.
Everything else will be provided.

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