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FYI - Interesting wine tastings, today & tomorrow, Check it out

From: Del J.
Sent on: Tuesday, February 7, 2012, 3:32 PM

An Evening with Riedel Glassware -
Featuring Leah Paskin of Fine Wine Trading Company

Tuesday, February 7th, 7:00pm-9:00pm
An event to be held at:
Triangle Wine Company
3735 Davis Drive
Morrisville, NC 27560
$15 per person entrance fee can be credited toward the purchase of Riedel stemware or bottles of wine tasted at the event. Light Appetizers to be served. Discounting will also apply on glassware and wine presented.
RSVP to[masked] or [address removed]

Is it magic? Can the shape of glassware truly enhance your enjoyment of fine wines? Yes, there is a big difference in glassware and how much better your wines smell, taste and feel in the correct glass. The glass is a tool, and with the proper glass, wine can be elevated… with the wrong glass, wine can be negatively impacted. Sip from some of the world’s highest quality, most elegant stemware and learn why Riedel is considered the Rolls Royce of stemware. A Riedel representative will demonstrate the relationship between the shape of a glass and its impact on the consumer’s wine experience. The seminar will feature the hand-crafted, artisanal wines.

"The finest glasses for both technical and hedonistic purposes are those made by Riedel. The effect of these glasses on fine wine is profound. I cannot emphasize enough what a difference they make."
Robert Parker - The Wine Advocate

The seminar wines to be featured include:
Sherwood Sauvignon Blanc
Bacchus Chardonnay
Healdsburg Ranches Pinot Noir
Donati Family Vineyards Claret

Come join us for an experience that will change your wine glass choice forever.


Chocolate & Sparkling Wine for Valentines, with Ashley Cooper & Nicole Bolger, Specialty Chocolate Connoisseurs

Wednesday, February 8th, 7:00pm-8:00pm
Whole Foods Market
Ridgewood Shopping Center
3540 Wade Ave
Raleigh, NC 27607
The class fee is $10, RSVP to the store.

With Valentine's Day just around the corner, why not pre game the date night with an evening of tasting and learning about chocolates and the things that pair well with them. Prepare yourself by knowing what the best options are and wooing your loved one with this sweet treat. Come share an evening with us and enjoy a sampling of the fine chocolates that are offered in our Specialty Department. From Venezuela, Belgium, France and right here at home in North Carolina, there is a world of chocolate that dares to be explored. We will cover a brief history of chocolate, the different varieties, and what makes it so darn good! We will also discuss sparkling wine pairings and indulge in some tastings. Get ready to indulge your sweet tooth!

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