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Re: [WPUkulele] Sat. Sept. meet-up

From: Margo C.
Sent on: Saturday, September 17, 2016, 3:47 PM
Hi Stephen,
Thank you soooo much for everything you have done for the ukulele community here in Central Florida. 
Your motives were pure: you love playing the uke and want to simply spread the joy!
Thank you for the two series of beginning ukulele lessons you patiently taught at the Winter Park library. 
And all the meet ups you ran for the past few years. 
You are always full of exuberance
You have gotten so many people started  playing the ukulele. 
Thank you Stephen for making this crazy world a kinder, happier place.  
Margo Cooper
Winter Park

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 15, 2016, at 4:13 PM, Stephen Boros <[address removed]> wrote:

Hi Everyone. I hope everyone is going to see Jake Friday night at the Plaza and in December The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain in Gainesville. 2 events not to be missed.

Announcement!!! This Sat. will be my last meet-up as organizer of this group. I'm busy at my old job for Oct. and Nov and won't be able to attend and after that the wife and I have decided we're going to travel for awhile.. I encourage someone else to step up and take over my role. I'll supply the new leader with all the contacts at the Winter Park Library and any other info I can provide.

Keep on Ukein.   Stephen Boros

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