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Reminders about the next few weeks...

From: user 3.
Sent on: Friday, January 18, 2008, 9:40 AM
My friends--

I'd like to, once again, share some information with you all. Hope you haven't gotten sick of all these emails yet, you go.

Last Sunday, I was unaware that Ken and Peter showed up at practice around 12 and put the mats back out to get a workout in. That's great--I feel better that we had a little better turnout than I had first thought. Jason and I are planning on working out early again, so I'll once again be there by 10 if anyone wants to join us. Open mat time is available until 2, so come on out. My only request is that the mats get mopped and put away at the end of the day.

Speaking of Sunday is our first practice tournament. Please come and wrestle a match or two! It's great experience.

There are a couple of big matches coming up at Northwestern University on the 1st and 8th of February. I'm planning on going to at least one--if you are also interested, let me know and we'll bet a caravan together.

PLEASE, PLEASE make your donations to Josh or Howell. Josh has paid a lot out of pocket to support this club, so those of us who come out to wrestle need to pitch in. If you want to make additional gestures of support, contact me at [address removed] and I'll be happy to manage that.

That's it. I'll see you on Sunday.
