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Fwd: An important message from your new Meetup sponsor, The ASPCA!

From: Regan
Sent on: Tuesday, November 29, 2011, 3:27 PM

The ASPCA is proud to be sponsoring The Denver Yappy Hour Club!

As an animal lover, you and your fellow members know how important a dog's environment is to its overall development, health and happiness. Puppy mill operators put profit over dog welfare and treat animals like commodities. They breed dogs in unsanitary, overcrowded and often cruel conditions without sufficient veterinary care, food, water or socialization. The breeding dogs churn out litter after litter of puppies to provide an endless supply of purebred puppies to pet stores across the country.

By pledging not to buy anything at pet stores that sell puppies, you can help put an end to the puppy mill industry.
Take the pledge not to shop until they stop!

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You're receiving this message because The Denver Yappy Hour Club is sponsored by ASPCA. If you don't want to get these emails or participate in this sponsorship click here.

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Meetup Inc. PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York[masked]

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