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YYCJS news October

From: David L.
Sent on: Thursday, October 23, 2014, 1:58 PM

Hello Scripters!

Thank you again to everybody who came to the meetup on Tuesday and another special thanks to our speakers Kevin and Julian.

If you missed it (or just want to see it again), you can find the video recording on YouTube at and any past and future events on the YCCJS channel.

If you have anything JS or web related you'd like to share for the next meetup on November 18th, we'd love to hear from you! It can be anything from a quick 5 minute lightning talk to a 15 to 20 minute presentation.

In other news:

Our host Assembly together with Goodpin and our beer sponsor Village Brewery is running a YYC Tech Gives Social & Food Bank Fundraiser next Monday, October 27th. Register and join a good cause at

You can also still get early bird tickets for the Startup Calgary Launch Party that will happen on November 13th. Register at before October 31st and use the yycjs10 promo code to get a special YYCJS 10% discount!

Hope to see you all next month!
David & Eric

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