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YYCJS news November

From: David L.
Sent on: Wednesday, November 19, 2014, 11:38 AM

Hello Scripters!

Thank you again for coming out yesterday and a special shout to our speakers Ray and Sean. You can find the recording at and the slides for the intro to EmberJS here. Make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel to stay up to date.

Also many thanks again to AtVenu for buying Pizza yesterday! They are always looking for good people that know something about web development so if you are interested in working with a great team on an interesting product get in touch with them or let us know. is looking for a developer that can help with JS and knows a thing or two about canvas and client side charting. Ping us or contact Chris directly at [address removed] if this is something you can help with.

Last but not least:
Tomorrow Pixels & Pints will celebrate its 5th birthday. Join us at the Rose & Crown: for a great party!

David & Eric

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