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Help Wanted

From: James A.
Sent on: Tuesday, October 7, 2014, 7:36 PM
I am looking for experienced javascript coder for short term project.

OpenGeoSolutions is a seismic processing company specializing in seismic attributes. To help our customers interpret project results we pre-render images from the project datasets and serve them up in a simple javascript, browser based Navigator.  Often a project Navigator will front end millions of pre-rendered jpg images.  

I have created a proof of concept integration of the pixastic.js library into our Navigator to provide on the fly client side brightening, blending, rotation and cropping of the pre-rendered images. 

I am looking for someone who can do a proper integration of pixastic.js with our current Navigator code. If the end user experience is close to that with our current Navigator we can save significant time and image pre-rendering effort.

Interested?   pls contact me directly ( [address removed] ).....and we can have a coffee and chat.


James Alison

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