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New Meetup: Hiking on Morgartenberg

From: Sven
Sent on: Thursday, May 28, 2009, 1:35 PM
Announcing a new Meetup for Zurich Hike & Outdoor!

What: Hiking on Morgartenberg

When: May 30,[masked]:45 AM

Where: Click the link below to find out!

Meetup Description: Hi everyone,

Again, a long weekend is coming up. For those that are freaking out on what to do this spare time, here goes a suggestion: hike with us near Aegerisee, specifically from Alosen crossing the Morgartenberg (1244m) down to Biberbrugg.

This is a 5.5 hour walk, but without much going up (around 300 meters) and down (max 400 meters). We will also have a nice Picknick on the way. This hike is considered a T1

Train schedule is again very relaxed:

Z?rich HB ab 10:09 Gleis 4 IR 2267 InterRegio,
Zug an 10:30 2
Zug, Bahnhofplatz ab 10:40 Bus 1 Bus, Richtung: Ober?geri, Station
Ober?geri, Station an 11:10
Ober?geri, Station ab 11:15 Bus 10 Bus, Richtung: Raten
Alosen an 11:21

Duration: 1:21 hrs.

To bring along:
- Food/Picknick and water (1 liter minimum)
- Hiking shoes
- Sun/wind/rain protection (weather can be very treachures this time of the year)
- Train/Bus ticket to Alosen - One Way; Retour from Biberbrugg the same day

I apologize if this hike came in last minute, but I was struggling with the unstable weather conditions, and the decision on where to go, as a lot of hikes have chance of having snow. The weather this Saturday should be very nice, while there is more raining coming up for Sunday and Monday. Nevertheless, please check the status of this website the night before the event after 8:00 pm.

Hope to see you then!


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