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David Sousa & the Mudbugs at Tio Leo's this Wednesday at Tio's

From: Greg
Sent on: Tuesday, September 3, 2013, 3:32 PM

David Sousa & the Mudbugs will be playing LIVE this Wednesday 9/4

During the bands break Doug will be DJ'ing some swing tunes. 

On the TV's at Tio's we will play the new Festival Video clips I made from the past history of Gator By The bay and other C/Z events.

Rumor has it I will also play one song with the band.."Why You Make Me Cry" so I am going to try to not crash and burn ;)

Davids band comes from LA but will be reducing cover to $10 to help keep it more affordable.

There are several great reasons why I love the Mudbugs from LA who are playing at this Leo's this week...

David plays a single row Cajun style accordion which has a unique Louisiana sound that none of the local bands in San Diego play.

He plays short songs understanding that we have many people to dance with and the shorter the song, the more people we can dance with...

He shares a little insight into what the song is about which is kind of cool..

He plays the best playlist of any Zydeco band... this means he plays the "hits" from Keith Frank and other top Zydeco bands which is very rare...

7:00pm Zydeco Swing Lesson with Greg:

Swing Tunes During Break:
Will be teaching Zydeco swing moves during the lesson and also play swing and rockabilly tunes during the break...

Band Plays: 7:30pm-10pm

Cover $10

Address: 5302 Napa St. San Diego
Ph: [masked]

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