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David Sousa & the Zydeco Mudbugs at Tio Leo's Tonight! & Birthday Celebrations

From: Greg
Sent on: Tuesday, May 27, 2014, 6:32 AM

On May 27 we will be dancing to the music of David Sousa and the Zydeco Mudbugs. David had so much fun playing for us at Mardi Gras that he wanted to come back and play for us again.  Many of you saw him play at Gator and know he gets the house rockin.  Along with this we will be celebrating

Ron's birthday along with Bunny's big 60th birthday. We want everyone to come out and join us for this event.  We will have a red, white, and blue birthday theme so come dressed in your theme colors. If you have pictures of our birthday dancers or funny stories to share please bring them.  We will have a board for you to pin these on in honor of each of them. We want to share with everyone their dancing life over the years. There will be some great birthday dessert treats along with a chance for everyone to win a door prize.  Don't miss this event as it will be a great party for all!!


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