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Last update for the Motorcycle Rally - Final Items Needed

From: Dr. Faye "AKA" A.
Sent on: Thursday, September 19, 2013, 10:29 PM

Hello Family,

The Rally is HERE............Let's come out and have a good time, we were able to expand our space today and secure a prime location (D25, go through main gate and straight to the back). 

We are in need of the following items:

- Ice

- 1 large box of trash bags

- 1 large trash can

- 3 tables

- 5 bags of fish (please bring them thawed and cleaned) - (Please deliver by 5 pm)

- Aluminum Foil

- Gas for the generators (High and Hot Priority)

- Bring your own chairs (BYOC)

- Bring your own bottle (BYOB)


Someone is onsite at all times, so feel free to stop by and drop off your items.  Don't forget the Fish Fry is tomorrow at 7 pm and the cookout is Saturday at 5 pm.

Many of us will be camping out, feel free to join us.  See you tomorrow, stay safe and thank you for your support.


Dr. Faye



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