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Re: Re: [writers-654] June 24, place, other ways of running these

From: heath
Sent on: Friday, June 1, 2007, 7:32 PM
In respect to those who don't want much email from the meetup group, I
propose moving discussion of the location to a thread on the web forum
I have set up.  I will crosspost this message there, and then reply
there rather than to the meetup, reserving this meetup email as much
as I can for announcements.

- I am ill at ease in chain places like Denny's and IHOPs, far
prefering locally owned and operated establishments, even with all
their idiosyncracies.

- I am not trying to move the meetup "North".  For goodness sake; I
live way the heck south.  it was just to try a suggestion, but it
seems to be too contentious of a location; so, I will revert the
posted location to "TBD".

- I'd prefer a place, like a cafe, where the public is generally
welcomed to relax.  I prefer such a site to an institutional setting
or meeting room for a more casual, sociable meetup, as this one is
supposed to be.  This is in deliberate contrast to Joleen's writing
workshop, which is in a church meeting room, and now is timed on
staggered sundays to complement this one.

So, now that the location is back to TBD, I welcome you to register on
the web forum and continue this lively exploration of options there!
:)  (You can read as a Guest, and subscriptions will not be delayed
for approval until / unless we start getting spam there.)


- Heath